Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I can't believe how long it's been since i last posted! I just haven't had the time, but I promise I'll try to stay on it more! So much has happened I don't even know where to begin... oh right:)
School really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Everyone is really nice there and so accepting! I made friends pretty fast I must say haha. Even though I do have a great group of friends, I don't really fit in much. I stand out like a sore thumb. ( I just realized that till now, I've been saying sour instead of sore... screw spelling :P ) But I really do. My best friend here is blond, plays volley ball, and loves country ahaha but I still love her to death, I guess we sort of balance each other out in a way. And I don't really mind being this different compare to everyone else, besides the fact there are no guys my type at all.. well maybe two but they're taken so that's out of the question...

Funny Story
So being the new kid and all, I'm not used to their schedule. Mondays you have all seven classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays you have 1st period, 2nd period, 5th period, and 7th. Then on Wednesdays and Fridays you have 3rd period, Advisory/Tutoral, 4th period, then 6th. One of the weirdest things I've had to get used to coming from a school with the same four classes all term. So its a Monday, like the second real Monday I've had at this school, and I go from P.E. to my drama class like I usually do. So I waited.. and waited.. and waited.. but no one was showing up to class. A first I thought I was just the first one because  so far I had the tendency to do that. But time still went on and I was still alone in the class. I figuared that they must all be in another room and I didn't get to memo to meet them there and eventually someone would come. So I played my music and just waited.... Finally I realized something, with fifteen minutes of class left ( I was still alone) and I realized that I was supposed to be in ceramics! I still didn't go once I figuared it out.. hehe =) It was a vary nice relaxing 50 mins. though I must say:)
So there's my classic new kid story for you. But I have to add, I'm happy here:)

And a Little More to Add
No matter what it's like here, I miss everyone back home so much. I actually got to visit a few weeks ago and everyone made my trip fantastic:) I love you all so much ad can't wait to see you again:))))
I feel like I had more to say but it's slipped my mind.. hmm... Well theres always next time:)

For now,
Let it Always be Summer, Your Familiar Stranger <3