Saturday, July 30, 2011


What was that?
Ever seen something and haven't been able to explain what it was? Well that's how i felt the other night. I usually try all the logical reasons before jumping to outrageous ideas. But when there is no logical explanation for something and all the facts point to one thing, that's what it must be. This blog might make some of you think I'm completely out of my mind but it's something I strongly believe in.

Story Time
(This story is 100% true. I'm NOT making up any of it. I don't care how many of you don't believe me, I just want to tell my story.)
The other night I went to my friends house with two more of my friend and we all staid the night. Two of them were sleeping in the bed and one of my friends and I were sleeping on the floor. This must have happened in between 4:00am and 5:00am so it was still very dark outside. But out of no where my friend and I were both awoken, at the same exact time, by this bright blueish light streaming in threw the window and it defiantly wasn't the sun. When I looked directly into the light it was beautiful but painfully bright but when I looked over at my friend the rest of the room was dimly lit and all a dim blue color. All I wanted to do was get away from the light. I remember hearing my  friend say "That light is so fucking bright!" But all I did was try to hide from it by going under my pillow. Threw out the night I was having a bunch of short dreams, so many that I can't recall any of them. I also kept waking up to find my self completely exhausted. The next morning my friends sister came in to the room to say all her small fish died. She had a little more than ten of these small fish that she got the day before to feed her bigger fish. At first I thought the light was just a dream until my friend said to me "Remember that light? I thought I died and went to heaven! I looked over and saw you so I knew everything was okay haha." But I was still confused about everything to actually put the pieces together.

This Will Make Me Sound A Little Crazy
Honestly I'm completely fascinated with extraterrestials. I've read non fictional books and watched many documentaries so I actually know what I'm talking about when I state facts. When ever someone has seen a light from an alien spaceship, on multiple occasions, the light is a blueish color, sometimes people can't stop looking at it or it's painful depending on how close the person was to the ship. When ever a ship lands on soil with small plant life it always seems too kill it. The soil also can no longer absorb water, they've done studies where they took soil from the spot where it landed and from right next to it, it just floats on top.

Now This Is Where I'll Sound Really Crazy
I completely believe that what my friend and I experienced was an alien spaceship pacing by the house. Why else was the light blue? Painfully bright to look at but dimly lit the room? Later that day I called my friend to ask her what she thought about my theory and to see if her experience was the same as mine. It was and she completely agrees with me. What else could it be?

Till next time,
Let it always be Summer, your Familiar Stranger <3

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