Saturday, July 30, 2011


What was that?
Ever seen something and haven't been able to explain what it was? Well that's how i felt the other night. I usually try all the logical reasons before jumping to outrageous ideas. But when there is no logical explanation for something and all the facts point to one thing, that's what it must be. This blog might make some of you think I'm completely out of my mind but it's something I strongly believe in.

Story Time
(This story is 100% true. I'm NOT making up any of it. I don't care how many of you don't believe me, I just want to tell my story.)
The other night I went to my friends house with two more of my friend and we all staid the night. Two of them were sleeping in the bed and one of my friends and I were sleeping on the floor. This must have happened in between 4:00am and 5:00am so it was still very dark outside. But out of no where my friend and I were both awoken, at the same exact time, by this bright blueish light streaming in threw the window and it defiantly wasn't the sun. When I looked directly into the light it was beautiful but painfully bright but when I looked over at my friend the rest of the room was dimly lit and all a dim blue color. All I wanted to do was get away from the light. I remember hearing my  friend say "That light is so fucking bright!" But all I did was try to hide from it by going under my pillow. Threw out the night I was having a bunch of short dreams, so many that I can't recall any of them. I also kept waking up to find my self completely exhausted. The next morning my friends sister came in to the room to say all her small fish died. She had a little more than ten of these small fish that she got the day before to feed her bigger fish. At first I thought the light was just a dream until my friend said to me "Remember that light? I thought I died and went to heaven! I looked over and saw you so I knew everything was okay haha." But I was still confused about everything to actually put the pieces together.

This Will Make Me Sound A Little Crazy
Honestly I'm completely fascinated with extraterrestials. I've read non fictional books and watched many documentaries so I actually know what I'm talking about when I state facts. When ever someone has seen a light from an alien spaceship, on multiple occasions, the light is a blueish color, sometimes people can't stop looking at it or it's painful depending on how close the person was to the ship. When ever a ship lands on soil with small plant life it always seems too kill it. The soil also can no longer absorb water, they've done studies where they took soil from the spot where it landed and from right next to it, it just floats on top.

Now This Is Where I'll Sound Really Crazy
I completely believe that what my friend and I experienced was an alien spaceship pacing by the house. Why else was the light blue? Painfully bright to look at but dimly lit the room? Later that day I called my friend to ask her what she thought about my theory and to see if her experience was the same as mine. It was and she completely agrees with me. What else could it be?

Till next time,
Let it always be Summer, your Familiar Stranger <3

Friday, July 29, 2011

Something For You To Ponder Over

Real Quick
For starters, to warn any science nerds who happen to be reading this, I know not all my facts are perfect and I might be wrong at some points. I'm not trying to be exact in this I'm just stating what I see. So please don't leave a billion comments correcting me. Thanks:) Also this blog was the idea of one of my friends so I'm send out a special thanks to him:)

Ants and their Brains
Have you ever been so bored that you resorted to watching a line of ants, or maybe even just one or two, work? How they know exactly what their job is and how to do it. Getting along with all the other ants, well that we know of because who knows what kind of throw downs happen when we aren't looking. But them seem to be able to keep a better community then us humans. I know some of you might not agree with this but this is my blog so you can just shush. :) But sometimes don't you just wonder what life would be like if we were like ants? But with feelings and personalities (honestly I believe all animals, even ants, have personalities.) But I honestly believe that things would go more smoothly, there wouldn't be gangs, random shootings, crimes, or wars (unless ant colonies have wars and we just don't know about it.) I'm not saying I want everything to suddenly change in to an ant world but I think if that show we started, who knows, this world might actually be in a better shape than it is in now.

Are The Ants Who We Think They Are?
What if the ants only put on a show for us humans? Like their world was like ours but just ant style. Sort of like It's a Bugs Life. But with crime and their community was similar to humans? With little ant gangs and all that human stuff. And all this time we just thought they were perfect but noooo. That would change very thing if we found out that was true. Blow every ones minds. To the extreme. Now ponder over that thought for a while, just picture what it would be like if ants were just like humans but small. Would they over run us if they were more smart then they already are? Comment you thoughts :)

Well that was fun ahah:)
Till next time,
Let it always be Summer, your Familiar Stranger <3

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Romance.. Where The Hell Did It Go?!

Romance, the thing that ever girl was raised to believe in. The thing that they fantasize about while falling asleep. About how Rapunzel must have felt (besides the tugging on her hair) when her prince came to rescue her or how Juliet felt when she found Romeo beaming up at her on her balcony saying words filled with so much love. Girls will sit there for days reading love stories or watching romantic movies over and over again just wishing she could be the girl in that story.

In Today's Time
Guys can be idiots. I'm not saying all are, but a good majority. Why do I say guys are idiots you ask? Because they are always asking "how do I get that girl?" And their friend says to them "be an ass hole bro! She'll fall all over you if you ignore her!" Where the hell did this shit come from? And why are guys so certain it will work? Yeah okay maybe sometimes it will work. ON WHORES. Okay okay maybe some good girls actually like that kind of stuff but not most of them. I know all guys aren't just after on night stands. Some guys actually want a good girlfriend to be proud of. And there are the guy who really don't give a fuck. But for the guys who do, try paying attention to when a girl is saying "I just want a guy to be my Romeo." It might actually help you.

What I Think Is Fantastic
I'm not saying a guy needs to literally be like Romeo and spout poetry to a girl from her window (but some girls might really want it and it might actually score some major points, depending on the girl)  But for me, personally, I like when the guy will do the little things too (big things like the Romeo deal every so often are fantastic too). For example: a guy once stared into my eyes, brushed my hair behind my ear, then kissed my forehead. That completely made me melt. Just the little things like that make such a big difference on how a girl looks at you. Never hurts to try right? :)

Let it always be Summer, your Familiar Stranger <3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A New Beginnging (Part 1)

So the reason the title has part 1 in it is because I know there will be more to this blog later on. So yes, it's part 1:) I've titled this blog A New Beginning because I'm getting a new beginning. Not one that's really needed at all but one that's being forced upon me. In a few weeks I'm going to be starting my sophomore year of high school at a completely new school in a completely new town. The last time I made this big of a move was when i was almost a year old so i really don't remember it all that well. And I've never had to be a new student before. The kids I started kindergarten with were the same kids I've been with till now, with some great additions to the group. But still, I was never the kid thrown into a situation where I didn't know a single soul and was forced to make new friend out of fear of being alone. And trust me I will not allow myself to be alone, not even on the first day. It's not hard for me to make new friends, I'm actually quite good at it, when I already have a friend there. Everyone tells me that I will do great. I have a feeling I will too... But I still have those thoughts of doubt. Like what if there isn't the right group of people for me to fit into? Or will I have to deal with bitches that pick on the new girl (which I will NOT allow) But my biggest fear is being alone.

A New Beginning
But I've decided to look at it as a new beginning. A way for me to be exactly who I want to be with no fear.. well there will be a little but I'll try to ignore it :) I'm going to be the girl that I want to be, not afraid to say some of the things that come to mind, not afraid to be a little crazy or weird at times. If I get lost I'm not going to wander around like an idiot. I will get the guts to talk to people. And when I find those guts, I'm going to keep them close at hand :)

The Down Side :(
Even though moving will be a good experience for me, it doesn't feel like it. Mainly because I'm leaving my "comfort zone." I've always been surrounded by people I know and care about. I've had best friends move away but I've never been the friend to leave. I'm leaving people I've been close with my whole life and people I've just gotten close with and wanted to get closer to. I'm leaving my house I've been in since I was four, my best friend who I never want to loose, and a guy I really like. Everything that I've recently gotten is now being ripped away from me.

To Every Down Side There Is An Up Side :)
I'm not dead :) Which means I'm not leaving these things forever, even though a few months without seeing them will feel like forever. But I'm still going to have them and that's all that counts:) And who knows, I might actually really love where I'm moving. Meeting new people will never hurt.. Unless they turn out to be psycho killers.. that might hurt.. So if you have had a similar experience or is facing one soon I'd love to hear about it, it will make me feel less alone:)

But till next time,
Let it always be Summer, your Familiar Stranger :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Something New

For Starters (WARNING: this may be a little boring at first, but hey! it's my first blog so shh :P)
I don't really know how to begin something like this. So I'll start with a simple hello! :) I've never done anything like this so bare with me, it may be a little rough in the beginning. I guess I'll start with saying a little about me? Cool? Okay:) Well my name is Summer. I'm, what I guess you'd call, a regular teenager with regular teen problems. I'm pretty easy to get along with and i have a good amount of friends. Most people like me:) I am kind of different in ways though. I'm in to weird things. If it's weird then I'll most likely like it haha. I guess more of me will come out in my posts in time so just sit tight:)

Why Am I Doing This?
I guess I'm doing this to... well.. i really don't know. Maybe I'm doing this just to do it:) I'm probably not going to have a big SUBJECT for this whole thing. Like some people blog about music or shows or a specific problem they have. Most of the blogs I've read at least have a purpose. Mine doesn't:) I'll try to keep it as fresh as possible.

Umm... I guess that's all i really have to start off with.. But I hope you keep reading because I promise it will get better:)

~Summer (I need a good saying to close my blogs. Any creative ideas?)