Thursday, July 28, 2011

Romance.. Where The Hell Did It Go?!

Romance, the thing that ever girl was raised to believe in. The thing that they fantasize about while falling asleep. About how Rapunzel must have felt (besides the tugging on her hair) when her prince came to rescue her or how Juliet felt when she found Romeo beaming up at her on her balcony saying words filled with so much love. Girls will sit there for days reading love stories or watching romantic movies over and over again just wishing she could be the girl in that story.

In Today's Time
Guys can be idiots. I'm not saying all are, but a good majority. Why do I say guys are idiots you ask? Because they are always asking "how do I get that girl?" And their friend says to them "be an ass hole bro! She'll fall all over you if you ignore her!" Where the hell did this shit come from? And why are guys so certain it will work? Yeah okay maybe sometimes it will work. ON WHORES. Okay okay maybe some good girls actually like that kind of stuff but not most of them. I know all guys aren't just after on night stands. Some guys actually want a good girlfriend to be proud of. And there are the guy who really don't give a fuck. But for the guys who do, try paying attention to when a girl is saying "I just want a guy to be my Romeo." It might actually help you.

What I Think Is Fantastic
I'm not saying a guy needs to literally be like Romeo and spout poetry to a girl from her window (but some girls might really want it and it might actually score some major points, depending on the girl)  But for me, personally, I like when the guy will do the little things too (big things like the Romeo deal every so often are fantastic too). For example: a guy once stared into my eyes, brushed my hair behind my ear, then kissed my forehead. That completely made me melt. Just the little things like that make such a big difference on how a girl looks at you. Never hurts to try right? :)

Let it always be Summer, your Familiar Stranger <3

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